Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pacific Northwest May 26 - June 1

We left Sacramento and drove up 101, the Coastal Highway.  If you haven't been to the Pacific Northwest, put it on your bucket list.

Crescent City CA 
Crescent City CA
Coastal Highway OR
We finally had a campfire in Willits CA after hauling firewood
from Florida.  Everywhere in the SW had burn bans.

Babe was a miserable failure as navigator.

Our most beautiful campsite (outside of Jones Pond)
We stayed at Redwoods RV Park near Cresecent City
and 'camped' among the redwoods.
Bench from a single tree log.

A great roadside attraction; the Trees of Mystery
South of Crescent City.
We're not sure about Paul Bunyon and Babe,
but they made it work with the giant redwoods.
The redwoods soared 200-300 feet.
Not as majestic as the Sequoias, but more elegant.
Just us and a big tree.  :-)
Coos Bay OR.  If you look close, you can see the seals.
Very noisey!

Coos Bay OR

Coos Bay OR

Coos Bay OR

What did we do before selfies?

Babe is making sure that Steve doesn't miss a spot.

Driving the Coastal Highway through the redwoods was somewhat harrowing.  It is a 2 lane road with redwoods on either side.  The white edge stripe sometimes went around a tree.  It was barely wide enough for us and the logging truck coming the other way.  Needless to say, I was almost as nervous a Steve.

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